
For Sculpin configuration there are a few things to keep in mind. First, configuration can be environment specific. After that, there are two main ways to configure Sculpin: site meta data and kernel configuration.

Development and Production Environments

Sculpin can be run in two modes, dev and production. These are known as environments. Sculpin assumes it should generate your site for the dev environment unless othewise specified. This is important to know because configuration settings and variables can be based on environment.

In order to generate your site for a production environment (prod), specify the --env=prod option in your command line:

vendor/bin/sculpin generate --watch --server --env=prod

Site Meta Data

The easiest way to "configure" Sculpin is to add site meta data. Site meta data can be added to any of the following files:

|-- app/
|  `-- config/
|     |-- sculpin_site.yml         # Site meta data (optional)
|     `-- sculpin_site_${env}.yml  # Environment specific meta data (optional)

${env} could be either of dev or prod, or potentially other custom environments if you need them.

Environment Aware Configuration

Environment specific meta data overrides generic meta data so global defaults can be added to sculpin_site.yml and overridden on an environment-by-environment basis. This can be useful for things like Google Analytics identifiers. Set the default development version in sculpin_site.yml and set the production value in sculpin_site_prod.yml.

Merging the sculpin_site.yml is not automatic. It must be imported into an environment specific configuration file like this:

    - sculpin_site.yml
google_analytics_tracking_id: UA-PRODUCTION-372

Sculpin Kernel Configuration

Some parts of Sculpin, specifically anything configured as a bundle, must be configured at the kernel level. This can be done by modifying the sculpin_kernel.yml file.

|-- app/
|  `-- config/
|     `-- sculpin_kernel.yml       # Sculpin's configuration (optional)

For example, to configure something like the default permalink for all sources, one would need to configure the Sculpin bundle's configuration:

    permalink: pretty

Or if one need to ignore all the files ending with ~, one could:

    ignore: ["**/*~"]

Or if one wanted to change the theme, one would:

    theme: acme/awesome-theme

It is up to a bundle to define whether or not it can be configured using site meta data or kernel configuration. In general, kernel configuration is where very advanced configuration will happen for things that are not controllable by content in the source/ folder.

Sculpin supports multiple styles of permalinks.

  • none: The pathname of your source file. For example: source/about.html would result in about.html and source/_projects/sculpin.html would result in _projects/sculpin.html
  • date: Replaces dashes with slashes to have a permalink popular in many blogs. For example: source/2014-04-10-article.html would result in 2014/04/10/article.html
  • pretty: This style adds index.html to the name of the source file, allowing you to have permalinks without the .html file extension. For example: source/about.html would result in about/index.html. It also supports files with dates, for example, source/2014-04-10-article.html would result in 2014/04/10/article/index.html.

Additionally you can create custom permalinks using the following tags:

  • :year: A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
  • :yr: A two digit representation of a year
  • :month: Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros
  • :mo: Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros
  • :day: Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
  • :dy: Day of the month without leading zeros
  • :title: Slugified title of the page
  • :slug_title: Slug or slugified title of the page if no slug exists
  • :filename: Filename of the page, for example, about.html
  • :slug_filename: Slug or filename if no slug exists
  • :basename: Basename of the page, for example, source/_projects/sculpin.html would result in sculpin
  • :basename_real: Basename of the page including the extension, for example, source/_projects/sculpin.html would result in sculpin.html
  • :folder: The folder the page is in. Type folders are filtered out. If no subfolder is present, folder does nothing. See example below for more details.

A custom permalink configuration could look like this:

    permalink: blog/:year/:month/:day/:slug_title

If you wish your generated permalinks to have a trailing slash, specify the trailing slash in the configuration like this:

    permalink: blog/:title/

The generated files will then have a blog/your-title/index.html file, while the link will be blog/your-title/ for it. Remember to use the same trailing slashes in your own internal links as well.

To use the :folder configuration an example config could look like this:

    permalink: blog/:folder:basename.html

Now a file in source/_posts/somefolder/ would render as /blog/somefolder/mypost.html while a file in source/_posts/ would still render in /blog/nofolder.html. Without the :folder directive, both posts would be directly under /blog/, all folder structure would be ignored.