Basic Project

A Sculpin project is capable of building exactly one static site. By default, Sculpin is configured to work with the following file structure:

|-- app/
|  |-- SculpinKernel.php           # Custom Sculpin kernel
|  `-- config/
|     |-- sculpin_kernel.yml       # Sculpin's configuration
|     |-- sculpin_site.yml         # Site meta data
|     `-- sculpin_site_${env}.yml  # Env specific meta data
|-- output_${env}/                 # Env specific generated files
|-- source/                        # Files in here are read and compiled
|  |-- _posts/                     # Individual blog posts live here
|  `-- _views/                     # Templates
`-- composer.json                  # Dependencies

Sculpin reads all files that are under the source directory. Sculpin expects this directory to be called source/ in your project root. For example, if you have a file called source/, Sculpin will generate a file called output_dev/index.html.

Besides the actual content, the can also provide metadata. See Sources for the details.

Once created, the output_prod folder can be uploaded to a web server as-is. Because Sculpin is a static site generator, no PHP is used on the server. This provides greater freedom in hosting choices.


Rendering your Site

The generate command looks for files in your source directory and generates static HTML files:

vendor/bin/sculpin generate

Your generated web site would then be available in output_dev.

The generate command has two useful options for editing your site locally:

  • --watch will monitor the source directory and regenerate the site whenever a source file is changed
  • --server serves files over HTTP with the built-in webserver

Combining these flags will let you edit your site locally and view the changes by refreshing your browser.

vendor/bin/sculpin generate --watch --server

This launches your site in dev mode at localhost:8000

The generate command also has a --port option, in case you need the web server to run on a different port:

vendor/bin/sculpin generate --watch --server --port=8888

Besides using the --server option for generate, there are some other options for previewing the rendered pages locally.

Serve Command

To serve files that have already been generated, use the serve command:

vendor/bin/sculpin serve

This mode will not automatically detect and update changes.

Using a Standard Webserver

The only special consideration that needs to be taken into account for standard webservers in development is the fact that the URLs generated may not match the path at which the site is installed.

This can be solved by overriding the site.url configuration option when generating the site.

vendor/bin/sculpin generate --url=

With this option passed, will now be generated as instead of /about.


Sculpin knows the dev and prod environment. They allow you to have different configuration settings by environment.

Sculpin assumes that all commands will be run in the dev environment unless otherwise specified.

When you want to build the final web site, run the command with the --env=prod option.

vendor/bin/sculpin generate --env=prod

The output of this command will be placed in output_prod. Upload the contents of this folder to your public website to deploy your site.